
joined 3 years ago
[–] 3 points 6 months ago

I'll add a pretty good classic that I haven't seen mentioned yet: The Mentalist

Excelent performance by Simon Baker, of course, as well as from the supporting cast. First seasons are really good, with some great finales. Quality drops a bit past season 4/5 imo, but it's still enjoyable.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This. I don't even need real "scripts", I just plug my big drive into my laptop, start dropbear and use the shell (fish) history to get the right command. Takes about 15s to do everything :p

If you want a more continuous thing, you can look into Syncthing or something like that.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Nunca usei Tuta, mas gosto do Proton. Depende muito daquilo que pretendes. Queres só correio electrónico que funcione bem no navegador/telemóvel? Queres usar outros clientes (Thunderbird, K-9, etc)? Queres outros serviços integrados (calendário, contactos, ficheiros, etc)?

Devo relembrar que correio electrónico cifrado nunca é verdadeiramente seguro (exceto entre duas contas do Proton ou da Tuta), o protocolo tem muitas falhas fundamentais para permitir comunicação realmente privada. É preferível utilizar outros meios, se existir necessidade para boa protecção.

[–] 15 points 6 months ago

The web font would also be cached, and it wouldn't be that big of a resource in the first place. I think being able to copy a comment's content is more important, but whatever.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

I no longer remember details, but it was something to do with HeliBoard's dictionary and the system one. Have you checked they both have the right languages?

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Renato Alexandre spotted.

[–] 13 points 6 months ago

LibreWolf is little more than a custom config for Firefox, they don't do actual development on the engine, which is the important and very technically laborious part.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

Not really, 2k is enough to have a result with a pretty low error %.

You're totally right, my statistics is very rusty, good lord. For the ~240M eligible voters in the US, you can get roughly 2% margin of error, for the usual 95% confidence level.

My comment was a bit daft, in retrospective. Surely the polling people know what they're doing, better than I do for sure x)
I guess it goes to show how non intuitive some statistical methods can be at first?

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (5 children)

Isn't 2k voters a comically small sample to draw any results from? I hope it is true, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Possivelmente, mas ainda bem que prefere tocar em festivais mais pequenos, precisamos mais disso, ao invés de maiores (e piores?) mega festivais de verão. A oferta cultural pobre ou praticamente inexistente em muitas cidades mais pequenas é uma lacuna que contribui, a par de outros fatores, para a enorme polarização geográfica que vemos em Portugal.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Obrigado pela partilha, desconhecia. Certamente deve haver mais pelo país fora.

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