I memorized a handful of randomly generated passwords in high school (around 2005) and never looked back.
These days I use a password manager, but for semi-low security stuff (on my LAN) I use one, for my Apple account a long combination of three. And that’s it! The password manager is where it’s at.
Just one of my passwords was leaked in data breach (from back when I was younger and recycled passwords) so that one’s out, but otherwise I’m doing pretty well with the memorized randomly generated passwords.
When I was in middle and high school the school district would always do this at the beginning of the school year.
One year my best friend moved away so in the following years I discovered his account still existed. If I was in the mood to hack (dumb stuff like forging email with their horrible SMTP server for example) I’d just find another computer I wasn’t just using and log in using the default password.