GDP is a worthless measure of an economy.
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The extent of wealth inequality in the United States versus Europe makes GDP per capita a useless figure, given that most of the wealth only benefits the 0.01%. After taking it out of the equation and accounting for ridiculous health care costs (the lowering of which via universal healthcare would free up substantial financial resources to fuel the growth of other sectors of the economy), even Eastern Europe could be considered prosperous in comparison to Mississippi.
And yet somehow most people would rather live in Germany.
Amazing eh?
ha, mass transit across the entire country and then some, healthcare thats better than the US.. and they dont tolerate nazis..
seems like its more than worth it to live in germany than the US
and they dont tolerate nazis..
Points at the AfD.
Most of us don't
evil will always rebrand. like cockroaches with a light shining on them running around to find cover. in the united states they call them republicans.
Sure, but it means they tolerate Nazis.
euronews is owned by a company allied with authoritarian despot Viktor Orban, I’d stop sharing it.
It's neat to game the numbers like that.
Now do happiness, life expectancy, and more things other than filthy lucre.