Pick up your dogs shit when you're out walking!
Drives me insane when I ride through it on my bike. There's one part of my commute on a shared footpath, and I didn't see the turd and rode over it.
Sticks in the nobbies on my tyres and flicks shit everywhere.
I will kill you.
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I hate this so much; there is little that messes with my equanimity, but people who don't clean up their dog shit suck. I live across from a dog park and most people are good and pick up the shit. But when the kids are running across the grass they are not looking at where they are stepping...
Thought for the day
How much time do you spend on professional development? Is this supported by your employer?
I've had previous employers that talk the talk, but don't really walk the walk when it comes to development.
My current employers (especially my manager) is really good about self development. As long as I outline what I want to do and why, I feel they truly support me learning new skills.
It's refreshing to be in this situation :)
I've always been well supported by my employers for professional development. Either a one day training course or a longer term course, at least one every year if not more. Also conferences, community of practices, and I'm sure more.
Though as a proportion of my time it's probably pretty small.
My employer is me and they are terribly unsupportive. I regularly ask them and they always say they don't have any money for it.
Back when my employer was someone else I would estimate it was maybe 3 hours a month funded, but since I was in the kind of industry that has a mentoring culture, there was a lot of other informal professional development happening naturally.
Urghh, It was rubbish day yesterday, I noticed as I was driving out that someone had put a bit of Styrofoam packaging in our recycling bin. Wasn't too fussed about it - maybe they didn't know you can't recycle that in Auckland. But as I came back home and went to take the Styrofoam out, I saw that someone had put a whole bunch of little things in. Most of it recycling (which I don't mind at all), but some of it was just wrappers etc. Hopefully this isn't a recurring theme.