Tradwife influencers seem like people who don’t understand how having a kink works and mistakenly craft their identity around an aspect of a kink that is toxic when applied outside the bubble of consent and play with a trusted partner.
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And at the same time, are loudly proclaiming that trans people are doing exactly that. It's truly stunning how good at prediction, "It's always projection" is, as a heuristic.
Yeah exactly because those losers think being trans is inherently toxic in the way basing your personality around perpetuating sexist narratives about women is.
Exactly. You don't need Gods holy word for you to do your power fantasy. Just ask and do it
You don’t need Gods holy word for you to do your power fantasy
yeah but you might need Gods vibrating sword
Yep, listen, I’m all for 24/7 power exchange relationships, I’ve been in one for years, but this unnecessary pushing it and gendering is ridiculous.
I don't think its pushing it too far if that is what you are saying, I think their problem is a fundamental one of not understanding the difference between respecting yourself/others and getting off.
If you understand when you are getting yourself off (and that might be a really non-sexual thing, I am using this broadly) you have the agency to get yourself off without hurting yourself or others and more importantly to actually focus on getting yourself off in a way that is best for you.
If you understand when you are participating in an internalized stereotype about yourself, you have the agency to step back and consider whether there might be a different arrangement of those desires and fears that was much healthier for you and everyone around you that still satisfied whatever is animating that stereotype within you.
Or to put it another way, trad-wife people don't understand the basic reason that community theater can be so rewarding, acting as a character can be a powerful way of experiencing reality and deepens the experience of the human condition but actors are adults about it and realize the difference between playing a character on stage and being an asshole in real life (most of the time they do, damn actors can be full of themselves sometimes though hahaha).
Right up there with Fox calling "people getting paid more" "wage inflation" and saying it'll doom the economy if it isn't stopped.
Also think about all the small business that won't be able to adapt!
There's this local brew-pub restaurant, the kind of place that had its own brand of craft beer and a trendy local restaurant connected to the brewery. The sort of business that skyrocketed in popularity in the 2010s. Started in 2014, was doing great business, really popular night scene, etc. No dollar signs on the menus, if you know what I mean.
They recently just announced they're going out of business and closing down everything. I was sad and upset about it...until I read the interview the owner did where he explained why they had to close, and snuck in there between "I took loans out I can't pay back because interest rates went up", "business not recovering post-COVID", and "supply costs going up", he added "wage inflation".
I've never done a 180 on a small business owner faster.
Having a business has the damnedest way of making people forget that you can't shear sheep you starved to death.
Wage Inflation!?!? The minimum wage is STILL 7.25, and basically no business is hiring for that amount because they know they'd be laughed at.
And I don't know what you mean by "No dollar sign on the menu" please elaborate
Around the mid 2010s it became a very trendy thing for hip, new restaurants to not put the $ sign next to the prices for items on the menu, and no decimals either. If something is $11.00 they just put "11".
Now they all seem to do that.
Oh, I thought you meant the price was literally not on the menu at all, but that didn't make sense with the context given. Since that just means "If you have to ask you can't afford it."
They're quietly pushing the fatalist idea that someone's always got to be poor, and giving them more money will magically cancel out. Like, exactly, to the cent. These people think doubling wages at McDonald's will instantly double the price of a burger, as if all of that money goes right into the cashier's pocket.
They are not just slandering when people get paid more. They are pretending that's what causes inflation. As if paying people more does not work. Quoting a living cartoon I argued with on the other site, "it will put us right back in the exact same situation."
And it's really insidious when you realize that having this many poor people is horrible for the economy as we have a system that is reliant on consumers with no one who can afford to consume....
Meaning, they don't give a shit about the economy, they just get off on suffering.
Lol. My wife makes 2x what I do and it's wonderful.
I like your wife, too.
Don't we all?
The joke died on Reddit. Let it stay there.
I really like his wife. She makes him happy and that's great for her and for him and for the world.
Right. Everyone knows wife jokes started on Reddit. Never before in the history of mankind did anyone ever make a wife joke until Reddit came along. Thank you, arbiter of Wife Jokes.
You're welcome.
It wouldn't hurt my pride at all. Then again I never cared about proving how manly I was in such a childish way.
I dated someone who made more than me for a while. When she found out she was like "does that upset you?" I said no, I'm glad I don't have to worry about your finances.
I don't want to have to worry about if my partners are going to be financially okay. I don't want them to "depend" on me. Them choosing to be with me is much better.
Not only that this is not true, men also do not give a shit. My wife is doing derm and she is going to out-earn me straight out of residency. I could not care less because I'm not an idiot. More money = better life.
No doubt. That would be fucking fantastic.
Once one becomes aware of the pro-capitalist/neoliberal bias in mainstream media, it becomes painfully obvious how blatant it is.
And sad that people will still believe this shit. My parents are soc-dem and I could still see them believing this since they don't work anymore and don't know many millenials.
Which is honestly a huge problem. That old and young people just do not meet outside the workplace anymore. Especially since the very young do not work and the very old do not work anymore.
I'd say most of my friendships in adulthood started in the workplace.
This is some next level gaslighting.
Oh no. We're making too much money. We can't sleep at night.
CNBC is completely full of shit.
They have no credibility.
I sort of understand the reasoning behind the tradwife stay at home bullshit but why wouldn't you want your working wife to bring more money for the both of you ?
Oh... It's also about control and exploitation, isn't it ?
I was once at a party a few years ago and, at the time, I think at the time my wife was making around 10k more than me. Some of the people there were her coworkers and their friends, all women. And they knew about me making less because we are always open about our wages.
One of the friends of her coworkers grilled me for like an hour on how I felt about that and all of them pretty much refused to believe me that I was happy with my wife making more money than me. They were mostly just not believing that I wasn't resentful at all, because they had all made more money than their SOs at one point or another and it had always led to fights apparently. I, of course, told them I would love to make more money at my job but it wasn't anything to do with my wife's career or compensation. I also told them she (and all of them) should make more money too.
Shit, I wish my wife made double or triple what I make. She enjoys her job so if she made a lot more doing it, it would be a win-win. My job, I can take or leave, so all I really care about is the pay/benefits. And at the end of the day, our paychecks go into the same accounts (excepting our retirements are separate), so her making more money is just us making more money.
Yeah I'm currently on paternity leave while my wife continues to work and it's glorious. If my wife made double my salary I would quit immediately as long as it's OK with her and I would have a great time with my daughter and the cats.
I think the only reason you would be mad is if you 1. derived your self worth from how important your job was and 2. you ranked the importance of your job based on its salary. Otherwise it didn't make sense.
Pretty much, if she earns too much, she can leave whenever she wants if she's unhappy.
Whomever makes more pays for dinner, right? 😉
This is true......
If we're reporting on women from 60's era sitcoms and not real people...
The guy who made that article just woke up after 80 under ice
Water, earth, fire, air
Everything changed when equality attacked
Is anyone surprised that a corporation's media outlet would say this?
This is really good content but... Where meme?
I wish I had some women's problems.
Pay for my woman is pay for my family, only a capitalist would make you believe a woman is worth less by means of her birth. PAY THE WORKERS.