Could god make a butt plug so big his ass couldn’t take it?
Mos def gotta meme that, if I can find a picture.
Could god make a butt plug so big his ass couldn’t take it?
Mos def gotta meme that, if I can find a picture.
Not a direct quote, since ol' Epicurus didn't speak English. No quote marks, Drag'll notice. And I might've inserted the capital G myself, typing it. It's a God-damned habit, sorry.
Oy, certainly! Please DM me any links to any pertinent coverage you find!
My preference is for the written word, over YouTube videos. Thanks!
Can't make sense of your comment. I'm in good spirits, and all the other comments seem chipper and coherent. Please, Stinky, try to be more amusing, interesting, outrageous, or profound.
Yours is the argument for never ending argument, leaving trans people's existence and rights "up for debate" throughout their entire lives and until the end of time.
Allowing open, eternal debate over people's lives and rights is morally the same as continuing the 'debate' over whether blacks are more or less than 3/5 human.
I'm sure President Musk will make that a top priority.
A needed reminder, thanks, that of all Trump's many crimes, 1/6/2021 probably isn't in the top ten.
My daydream is that the building remains open, the community remains welcome, there are helpful lectures on dealing with life's hassles, and potluck dinners in the basement, and it's all on a voluntary pay-what-you-can basis — sorta like a church, only without the god.
Had to read that sentence three times before it stopped saying to me, "If you have an ass reader..." I need better glasses, but thanks. (:
It's like a light bulb reading these comments. I've barely touched social media, wondered why it's of no interest to me, but suddenly I grok it. I prefer the intelligent conversation (and stupid takes too, like mine) of a forum like Lemmy, where there's a much better IQ/batting average than 'social media'.
Ooh, I like this — the author is right, of course. Like everything in Trumpland, the real scandal is that the media is covering it as if it's normal. La-dee-da, la-dee-da.
This piece is well-written, makes the point and gets out, without loitering around like the author's paid by the word. Obligatory gotta say I hate Substack, both philosophically and for its gawdawful annoying UI, but a few of the very best Substacks are on my surf cycle, and Public Notice is now added, grazi.
Ah, silly me, I didn't know... but sure, please send a screenshot!