The "Thoughts and Prayers" for the murder of secular democracy.
M$ under Gates was also hugely about shafting many of the engineering staff working there. These were the Permatemps, people who worked on site alongside ordinary employees, doing the same work, working for the same managers on big products you've heard of. But the Permatemps, and I was one of them, didn't work for M$, we worked for the most part as W2 employees of external staffing companies. OK salaries, basic benefits, but zero equity compensation or job security. Occasionally a permatemp would get hired as a M$ employee and that's probably what a lot of them were hoping for. I got a small pay-out from the Permatemp lawsuit settlement (see link above) while some of the regular employees around me became M$ Millionaires in their 20s, including my tech lead at the time. But at least I was allowed to shop at the Company Store and got a discount on my copy of Vista! Meanwhile Gates conserved huge amounts of equity and had a big staff he could fire at the drop of a hat, because he didn't technically employ us in the first place.
Some might be surprised to learn that this kind of exploitation on tribal lands didn't only happen in the Southwest. For example, there's the Midnite Mine on the Spokane rez in E.WA.
You'd think so, wouldn't you? People have been locked-away for treason after lesser acts than Jan 6. Treason laws in the United States . If the feds won't prosecute, I'd hope the state AGs would start to look into these kind of public displays of insurrection.
There were always religious nutters (Xians naturally) on AM, as long as I can remember, but they used to be a minority. AM was mostly pop music and C&W and talk shows. One thing I now look back on nostalgically was Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM show that aired really late at night. I used to listen to it on my long drive home from work and he'd have all kinds of crazy conspiracy theorists (UFOs, aliens, Area51 activities) and paranormal "researchers" &etc &etc on the show. Great fun, and despite the conspiracy stuff, largely non-political. Everyone understood it was "entertainment". You can probably find recorded episodes online. Satan knows what kind of horrible garbage is on AM these days, but I'm not about to go find out either.
Huh, odd, I can see the entire content at the linked (substack) page w/o being logged in. The version has an annoying pop-over but you can read it all there too for $0. I actually DO have a paid sub to the print+online mag so maybe they've set some magic cookie in my browser? BTW Harper's Index != Harper's Review & I think the former is paywalled from the unwashed masses but you might be able to read archived versions of it if you're so inclined and suitably unwashed.
Ha ha, it's from the Harper's Weekly Review newsletter.
Launched in 2000, this free, weekly email collates and reflows news from the past seven days into a satirical chronicle. It’s like the Harper’s Index or Findings, but takes aim at the relentless absurdity of the 24-hour news cycle.
Fun stuff. The Harper's Index is great too but I think (not 100% sure) that it's subscriber-only content.
Interesting. I don't know if this is a Lemmy problem or a Harper's problem, or both?
It's not a flap (back of the wing), it's a slat (front of the wing), says so right in TFA.
Yeah, and I've gotta wonder if the women this pathetic loser was preying on got any say on the deal and on the faux-punishment that was handed out? If I was a victim and the AG came to me and said "hey we can skip the trial, the dirtbag will get a slap on the wrist, but he'll never work as a cop around here again, whatddya say?" I imagine I'd say "duck no, I want to see this bastard do time and pay six-figure restitution, preferably to us victims".
The AG's press release is an infuriating read.
[WA attorney general]Ferguson filed a lawsuit in February 2022, accusing Providence of billing and aggressively collecting money from low-income Washingtonians without determining if they qualified for financial assistance.
Ferguson’s Consumer Protection investigation started in 2020, following complaints about collection practices at Swedish. It revealed Providence engaged in numerous practices between 2018 and 2022 that prevented patients from accessing financial assistance. Providence trained employees on aggressive and deceptive collection tactics. Their script included:
- “Ask every patient every time” to pay outstanding medical costs;
- “Don’t accept the first no;”
- "If a patient declines the first request, ask for partial payment;"
- "Use phrasing that signals to patients “payment is expected.”
The lawsuit asserted that Providence knew many of its patients were likely eligible for financial assistance and not only failed to inform them, but also kept collecting payments from them. In fact, Providence sent thousands of patients it identified as “presumptively” qualified for financial assistance to debt collectors. Internal emails revealed Providence did this because it knew those patients were more likely to pay their bills if collection attempts continued.
Moreover, starting in 2019, Providence sent thousands of Medicaid patients to debt collectors. Medicaid enrollees are among the lowest income Washingtonians, and are deemed eligible for financial assistance under Providence’s own policies. Providence staff caught the issue early and raised concerns to leadership. In fact, according to internal records, one employee warned: “We are sending the poor to bad debt and not treating them the same as other patients.” Providence did not correct the problem for more than two years.
Ha, wasn't sure if that was sarcasm or just Trollage at first. Well played! Yes, I am a pathetic, talentless loser, otherwise I'd be having drinks with BG on his jet or lounging on Larry's yacht or even fly-fishing with a Supreme at some wilderness resort.