Cowart was held on a $37,000 bond before being released from jail the same night.
TF, she walked free and presumably is free currently? I guess this behavior is no big deal in TN.
Cowart was held on a $37,000 bond before being released from jail the same night.
TF, she walked free and presumably is free currently? I guess this behavior is no big deal in TN.
It would be such a shame if kids ended-up discovering orgs and info like this - .
You can be sure that these jailed homeless people will end up being forced into labor - enslaved - because you can't let dirt-cheap labor go to waste, and you can't let a poor person look like they're getting something for nothing - mooching, free-riding - even if it's not their choice. Handouts are legitimately only for the rich and their corporations after all. If someone's fined+jailed and won't work for some capitalist exploiter, what will be done? I would guess some kind of torture will be employed to change their minds, but wouldn't be surprised if they're simply executed, especially if they're non-white.
Those same Republicans have almost succeeded in ruining one public college in N. ID.
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities has required NIC to make teach-out agreements for all of its academic programs by the end of August. These agreements would be signed by nearby institutions that would allow students to transfer if NIC loses accreditation.
Swayne said it still could be a hardship for some NIC students to transfer to another school. There isn’t another Idaho community college nearby, and even transferring to University of Idaho in Moscow would bring higher tuition and would require moving. Transferring to a college in the Spokane area would mean out-of-state tuition and a commute.
This is maddening. It's not just Big Food that's in on the "fat is fine" bandwagon. My gym, a YMCA, likely once upon a time had "fitness" instructors who would help you craft a workout plan. Now that's all gone, and they have "wellness" instructors instead, who happen to be, at my gym, two very obese people clad every single day in 100% stretch-wear. Of the TVs in the weight/cardio area, half are tuned to professional sports and the other half are tuned to "cooking" shows - Chef Fatso hawking his/her wares to all the "food" addicts in the room and sending the message loud and clear: "eat whatever tastes good, eat as much of it as you want (the more the better), and don't let anyone make you feel bad/weird for doing so". There's no question that today investors are backing fat and overeating whereas there was a time in the not-too-distant past that they were backing fitness and controlling (meaning, restricting in some way) dietary intake instead.
That is annoying as hell.
Bad site, no clicks.
NPR is steaming down the "condescending" path now too, with their daily headlines of the form "XYZ, what you need to know" and "what to know about ABC" .... as in (today) "What to know as jury selection begins ..." . I'm just like, "FU NPR, I don't need you to dictate to me the things that are important or not important to me, I'll make that call, your job is simply to fill in the blanks when and if asked, no more and no less."
I live right under the approach/departure path for the main runway at our airport, a couple of miles away. Probably around 100 flights/day total in/out, many of them B737s, flying around 2000' overhead. I'm wondering if I should expect to find pieces of Boeing's Finest in the back yard or coming through the ceiling soon. So far there's been no "blue ice" but there has also been no door plugs or tires, so could just be a matter of time. Fortunately the busiest carrier uses Embraers for many if not most of their traffic so that's probably a good thing for me.
Key phrase: "Boeing-made"
The bridge can be rebuilt "whenever" as far as I'm concerned. That's irrelevant. All that I'm saying here is that I want the private parties responsible to foot the bill ultimately. That doesn't mean work can't start tomorrow, or next week, or next year, whatever. I'm pretty tired of the BigCorp "socialism for me, not for thee" attitude and don't want them to get away with it once again.
While I'm not against the feds working on this, I would much rather see the company that owned the ship and/or its insurance companies foot the bill for the whole mess. "Personal Responsibility", that was supposed to be a virtue of some sort I've heard. That and "anti-socialism". Let's see BigShip corporate types walk the walk here, preferably right off the plank.
Nice outfit. She looks like she just took off her D. Vader helmet.
How in hell can your 10-14yo not go to school and nobody lifts a finger? School's not mandatory in W. VA? Somebody's been watching closely enough that they know how many times the girl left the house in four years, but nobody thought intervention was called for?