It's ok, except for when I need to go through automatic doors
Work has eaten my soul
Can they do something useful like destroy the debt infrastructure and delete all student loans and medical bills?
She was definitely a person who was the change she wanted to see
The other day on the train I noticed, in the midst of the morning commuter crowd, a woman with large hair who was wearing a green mini dress and pinky-orange faux fur coat. She really stood out of the pack of corporate blandness and sensible retirees who make up a 9am train to the city. I love stuff like that, it's nice to see someone doing their own thing.
Back from overseas, jetlag slowly wearing off and 500 unread emails dealt to yesterday and Thursday. Whee!
Saw some cool art while I was there and made a temporary friend
There's something restful about that too, when you can't do much at work because all the people you need to do it are gone
Three more days then I'm on leave till 2nd October.
Tempting but first I'll try to convince him of the error of his ways
Brain death from work. People who don't understand what I'm doing trying to tell me how to do it.
Eh, at least you remember sometimes
Who wants to go arrest some shady looking dudes hanging around the parliamentary parking garages and vaping?