
joined 2 years ago
[–] absGeekNZ 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Just about any term that refers to someone else can be used as an insult!

So as the old saying goes "offense is taken, not given". If you want to be insulted, you will be.

I find, people who insult others are saying more about their own character, than that of the target.

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The satire is the fact that The Onion has a "form letter" for school shootings. The just change the names and numbers, but otherwise the article is exactly the same.

The satire is that this highlights the gruesome regularity that school shootings occur in America.

BTW satire is not always supposed to be funny. In my opinion the best satire is not funny.

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)
[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 2 months ago

Mine was almost painless.

I took, paracetamol only after ward for a day. I was walking around with no issues after the local anesthetic wore off.

My brother had a really shit time, severe swelling and major pain for a week.

I think skill plays a big factor!

Go for a doctor that has a great reputation, ask people that they have done the procedure on!!!!!

[–] absGeekNZ 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Have they tried "thoughts and prayers"?

[–] absGeekNZ 15 points 2 months ago

This is awesome, a whole new grift. I'm surprised that this isn't a Trump initative.

[–] absGeekNZ 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

CHICAGO – In a tearful press conference held outside their headquarters, the editors of The Onion announced today that they will be ceasing operations indefinitely, citing the increasing impossibility of maintaining their satirical edge in a world that seems determined to outpace their imaginations.

“We tried our best,” said Editor-in-Chief Chad Nackers, clutching a coffee mug emblazoned with the phrase “Satire Is Dead.” “But at this point, every time we think of a headline like, ‘Congress Votes To Replace Minimum Wage With ‘Employee Of The Month’ Stickers,’ it’s on CNN three hours later.”

The Onion, a stalwart of satirical journalism for over three decades, has long prided itself on crafting absurd yet poignant headlines that parody the state of the world. However, in recent years, their attempts at humor have been thwarted by reality’s relentless pursuit of self-parody.

“We were working on a piece titled, ‘Local Man Launches GoFundMe For Pet Goldfish’s Gender Reveal Party,’ and before we could even finish the article, there it was on TikTok,” lamented Senior Writer Mariah Benson. “How do you satirize something like that? It’s like we’re in some cosmic arms race, and reality has nukes.”

Note: this is satire, the onion is not shutting down

[–] absGeekNZ 2 points 2 months ago

I get this, after working retail as a teen/early 20's. I hated the music, the commercial nature of everything, the fakeness of it all. As a special extra, for those in the southern hemisphere "traditional" Christmas food is so dumb here.

But you know what "cured" me of this. My kids, they are what it's all about, they love the songs and gifts, time with us. Lake days and sun... its all wonderful to them.

[–] absGeekNZ 1 points 2 months ago

It is not "just" quantum physics that shows the deterministic universe is impossible.

Relativity theory shows, there is no "universal clock", this is distinct from Newtonian physics which assumes a single universal clock.

You may not want to accept that the universe is not deterministic, and there are big gaps in our understanding of reality, but this isn't one of them. On a fundamental level, the universe is probabilistic.

You are in good company however, Einstein famously said "god doesn't play dice with the universe", when he initially discovered this fact. He came to accept its reality, at the evidence is overwhelming.

[–] absGeekNZ 5 points 2 months ago

Following the teachings of a blue hedgehog

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