Honestly, ultrawide for spreadsheets is awesome.
I use them all the time, it has its place.....but people tend to overuse them.
Nothing worse than someone sending me data as a fucken PDF file. Hey here is a table with a bunch of data, it is spread over multiple pages, and no you can't get the data as a csv file. Because I want you to spend a lot of time verifying that the data has imported correctly.
I was just about to say that, tis a cursed format.
Fine, take your upvote. But I'm not happy about where my mind went.
As someone who deals with lactose intolerance.
Just don't make it a big deal, if you can't eat something, don't eat it. Your needs are important, but other people are equally entitled to their own enjoyment.
I hate vegans who only do it to virtue signal, it is a personal journey keep it that way.
If someone is thoughtful enough to ask about your dietary requirements, they are probably "good people" and won't care about it. They will just make allowances for you.
An anecdote about dietary requirements:
I have a sister in law who cannot eat onions/garlic/leeks etc... she does make a big deal about it, no dishes can have those ingredients when she is around.
Her intolerance is about at bad as mine, she gets bloated and gassy... So not dangerous, just uncomfortable.
It always feels difficult to deal with. My view is, if you want to make potatoes with cream sauce, enjoy it I'll eat something else.
Great comment.
I switched full time in 2010, but was mostly using Linux from 2008...I don't really miss my 20's, maybe the physical side of being sub-30.
It this similar to "disk usage analyser"?
I hate that windows doesn't have something like this built in.
Having a poor performing manager or executive can have big flow-on effects for the entire business and increase the risk of poor culture and low morale.
I agree with this, having worked under a pretty shitty manager. They make a huge difference to the way an organization runs. But that doesn't mean throwing them all under the bus is the correct way to deal with this issue.
What is to stop someone from firing you for not having sex with them?
I also lived through this, as did everybody i know and care about.
Here in NZ we have the regular salt and vinegar chips, but also the more intense vinegar and salt chips.
I like the stronger ones, but too many makes my mouth feel like it is about to fall out.
Education is totally the way, but while the education is happening, a little protection from the world is warranted.
I also understand that he will likely, figure a way around the controls I put on.
But that is part of the education.