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I have.
They don't, at least not how you are suggesting they do.
It has.
When did I say they were ok?
Copywrite infringement is illegal in most countries, including here.
When did I say it was? I don't think he should be extradited, but I'm not worried about the Big Bad US Government coming after me.
He wasn't charged with copyright infringement.
But you are worried about the big bad Chinese government coming after you.
No, you're right, he is charged with criminal copyright infringement, money laundering, racketeering and wire fraud.
More than the US, yes. Why? Because of the reasons I've outline elsewhere: the US, as bad as it is, still has some laws and balances it must navigate. The Chinese government has none, and has actively shown to track and detain both citizens and foreigners.
I have lived and worked in China, so I am absolutely certain there is a file on me somewhere (I had a nice chat with a "totallynota" member of the CCP at my a company over drinks one night when he offered that they keep an eye on every foreigner in the country.
I also refuse to support such a regime.
He wasn't charged with anything in NZ.
Do you think if China accused you of copyright infringement NZ police would raid your house?
And you are convinced the NZ government would do the bidding of the Chinese if the Chinese government decided to come after you right?
But what he did is illegal here just as well as in the states. What is your point? Do you own a massive piracy platform? If not, it's not really comparable to you or I is it?
No, but they could potentially detain me if I travel through there if I regularly bad-mouth the regime.
I really don't get you mate. Are you saying that the US, a country that actually has laws and is not a dictatorship, is worse than an actual dictatorship with a long history of abuse.
AND EVEN IF IT WAS, why does that fucking matter? I don't have to love the US if I dislike China. I can avoid both if I want. Your whataboutism is pointless.
No, but other countries can and will. I do not have to worry about the US disappearing me if I say bad things about Biden. There is a small, but measurable, risk that this can happen if I badmouth the CCP and then travel to certain countries. Once again, asking another authority to arrest a massive international criminal is not the same as disappearing normal everday people because they said a bad thing about Winnie the Pooh.
Was he charged here?
Anybody could become a target by breaking a US law.
I am not talking about that. Would the NZ police raid your house and arrest you if China accused you of a crime? We know they would if the USA accused you of a crime.
Yes I am. Being a democracy has nothing to do with anything.
They could kill you with a drone strike.
The USA will kill you right here if they want.
LOL. You really drank a lot of right wing kool aid if you believe Kim Dotcom wa s a massive international criminal.
Sigh, look. You don't seem to understand how extradition treaties work.
It's very simple. Our two countries have a reciprocal extradition treaty. This means, if someone is a wanted criminal in our country, we can ask the US government to detain and deport this person so they can stand trial in our country. The same is true of the US. Whether or not he actually committed a crime HERE is irrelevant: He is a wanted criminal in the US, and they asked our government to detain and deport him. Note he is still in NZ.
We don't have an extradition treaty with China. We do with the US. This isn't hard to understand.
Are you suggesting that a country that has minorities in concentration camps, has waged cultural war on others, actively exploits poor nations, tracks and watches their entire population, domestically and abroad, locks up political opponents, disappears people critical to the government, detains foreign citizens and actively tries to subvert democracy in other countries is as bad as the US?
If you are you are either naive or an idiot. I can't quite figure out which.
Happens all the time does it? I must have missed all those drone strikes in NZ, the UK and the EU.
When has that ever happened here?
Man you have wildly missed the mark here. I never said I think he deserves to be a criminal, only that he is. He IS a massive international criminal because he has, no matter how dumb they are, broken many international laws.
All this is such a stupid argument anyway, because EVEN IF the US is so much worse than China, MY POINT STILL STANDS. I am allowed to not want China to track me through my phone, even if I allow the US to do it (as you claim).
I honestly have no idea what your problem is.
If the answer to 2. is no then I have more to worry about the US than China.
So what you saying is that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to China coming after me because I broke Chinese laws.
Oh that was a surprise. I was sure you were going to say "as bad as China" at the end of that.
yes it does.
They do what they call "extraordinary renditions" in those countries. The US agents break down your door, put a bag over your head and ship you off to some island to be tortured.
Hasn't happened here yet that we know of. But it has happened in many other countries.
No he is not a massive international criminal. No other nation has charges against him. But I get it you completely swallowed the right wing propaganda and think he is some sort of an international criminal mastermind who totally deserved to get raided.
You are allowed to do whatever you want no matter how racist or irrational it is. You are convinced the Chinese are going to get you, grab you and make you a prisoner or something and you believe the USA would never do anything like that to a NZ citizen despite the fact that the USA has done that and you told me we don't have an extradition treaty with China.
I mean you sound like raving paranoid maniac.
Right back at you. Why do you praise the USA so highly?
I travel to Asia fairly regularly. Am I being irrational? I never said you should stop using Chinese phones, only that I don't want to use them.
As above. I never said you had to worry, only that I don't want to. Then you came along trying to convince me that I'm wrong.
No, because the US does not do all of that.
Lol, sure mate. Ok.
You need to stop watching spy movies as if they were documentaries.
I never said I thought he deserved to be raided. I only said that, by law, the US is allowed to seek extradition to their country to stand trial. I never said I thought he should be charged with anything, or made any judgement call on the situation at all. Oh, and he was charged in Germany, so yes, he is international.
I love that you think I'm right wing.
I said none of those things, stop making shit up. I said "I don't trust the Chinese government to not spy on me so I don't use their phones". This makes no mention of the US, or any of the other shit you're on about. I can distrust more than one government. However, I have plenty of evidence, and first hand experience, of China's spying program. Much less so the US.
Sure mate. Also, "racist" lol.
When have I praised the US? Seriously, what the fuck do you think I've been saying?
Asia is a big place. Are you saying everyplace in Asia is under the control of the Chinese government or something? Are you afraid that if you travel to Japan or India or Vietnam or Thailand that Chinese agents are going to grab you?
Since you specifically said Asia and not China I am guessing you actually do think that and yes that makes you highly irrational. In fact I would say pretty fucking crazy.
But you live in NZ and you don't have to worry either.
All of that has been documented being done by the US. Honestly it looks like you only get your news from some weird facebook bubble where everybody is convinced the yellow menace is out to get them.
Wow. You really are ignorant aren't you.,transfer%20to%20a%20third%20state.
Walks like a duck, talks like a duck and all that.
That's only because you are wilfully ignorant.
Pot, meet kettle.
I have friends and family in several asian countries and travel regularly in the region. Do not presume to know my situation.
Lol, you have no idea what you are talking about. I feel no need to defend my political stance, but needless to say you are as wrong as is possible to be.
I'm well aware of this. You paint it as something that is happened all the time, and could happen to you any moment. But in reality, this practice is greatly reduced if not stopped altogether in many jurisdictions. It also targets suspected Islamic terrorists, not political dissidents.
The same thing happens with China, just not in many western countries so you probably aren't aware of it.
Only one country is likely to do anything I'd a simply badmouth the government. Hint: it isn't the US.
You are perfectly capable of looking at my post history and seeing for yourself how wrong you are. But of course you won't, because you can't be wrong right?
Sure mate. That's it.
Why do you keep saying "asian countries". Do all asians look alike to you or something? Do you think all Asian countries are China or something?
no you aren't. You denied it happened FFS.
It has happened a lot and could happen to anybody at anytime. There is no legal process for this. All somebody has to do is to write your name on a piece of paper. There is no judicial oversight for extraordinary renditions.
So I should only be worried if I am a muslim or anybody I know is a muslim? You are saying the USA only targets muslims with this? You are wrong. Non muslims and indeed Americans have been rendered.
I judge you by what you say to me. You sound like a paranoid delusional MAGA idiot who is incapable of criticising the USA and is convinced China is out to get them.
Because I travel to more than one country, and I don't really feel like I need to specify which. But in case you are interested: Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, and China are all countries I visit semi-regularly.
No I didn't. I said, rather flippantly, "You need to stop watching spy movies as if they were documentaries."
Look, as I said before, even if you are right and the US is so much worse than China, it does not invalidate my point.
You can go around worrying that the US is going to snatch you up because you said "fuck Obama" a couple of times online. I honestly don't give a shit.
Lol, ok. Now I know there is no point in further engaging with you. You really are an idiot.
And you are convinced that if you travel to Japan or Singapore or Taiwan China is going to snag you right?
And the point of that wasn't a denial?
Anybody can be put on a terrorist list for any reason. There is no court oversight.
The chance is not 0. Do I think it is likely? No. Do I think it is marginally more likely than the US declaring I'm a terrorist? Yes.
Why? Because the Chinese government does it more than the US. Even if they didn't, even if they were just as bad, or the US was much much worse, how does that invalidate my decision to use another brand of phone when I have that choice?
Do I think it never happens? No. Do I think it will happen to me? No. Do I think China is more likely to? Yes, even if that chance is small.
Again, how does the US being a worse dictatorship than China invalidate my decision to not use a Chinese brand phone? Two things can be bad at once. One bad thing is better than two bad things.
I don't understand how this is so hard for you to understand.
Your point? If you are trying to argue the US does bad things, I haven't disagreed with you. If you are trying to say that, therefore, China is fine, well, that's just whataboutism pure and simple.
The same can be said of the USA.
Then you are completely delusional.
Not even close. AFIK there are no documented instances of the Chinese government nabbing people overseas and there are numerous documented instances of the USA doing it.
Because it's irrational and based solely on some weird racist ideology.
Your name can go on a terrorist list at any time. Hell you could have the same name as somebody on the terrorist list and you'll get nabbed.
My only point is that you are an insane person who for some reason convinced himself that China is out to get him.
If you need to think I'm paranoid and racist to feel better about yourself, go right ahead. I couldn't care less.
I mean you are and it has nothing to do with me.
You are welcome to your opinion, it's a free country after all.