A bunch of dumb reasoning here. The Council of Licenced Firearm Owners spokesperson starts with a straw man right off the bat:
The first is probably the claim that has been constantly made that bringing in this register of firearms or legal firearms is going to suddenly overnight reduce firearms crime as a whole.
I've yet to see anyone claim it will "suddenly overnight reduce firearms crime". And then he moves to:
It's the same as saying that registering cars is going to prevent all ram-raids happening.
Well no one's saying that either. And we do register cars, even though we know it won't completely stop every single problem. This "if it doesn't completely fix every problem immediately it's not worth doing" attitude is peak stupidity. It's like they don't understand the concept of improvement.
It would be really interesting to see police investing more into the sources of crime, such as mental health, to reduce crime rates.
¿Por qué no los dos? As the Firearms Safety Authority executive director says:
I think that we need to be tackling gun crime in every way that we can. So police have invested in organised crime and in a firearms investigation team. We, as the regulator of firearms, are looking at how we can stem the flow of firearms to gangs and criminals. There's not one solution to fix here. There are multiple ways that we need to be tackling the problem.
The registry is a minor inconvenience to those who are following the law. The only people who should be worried are these guys:
we do know that there is a small proportion of licence holders who were diverting legitimately purchased firearms, to criminals and gangs, and we want to stem the flow of that. And the registry will help us to do that.
Edit: A word