Why does the embargo remain? What does the US gain from this? (I’m rather out of the loop)
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Badempanada's video on the embargo
Tl;dw is that the embargo makes it so no company/ships trading with Cuba are allowed to trade with the US. And given the US's control over the global financial systems and geographic proximity to Cuba, that essentially means almost any company sacrificing trade with the US to trade with Cuba would be committing financial suicide.
The US ruling class's motives are that a thriving socialist country so close to the US might force them to make concessions to the working class (free healthcare, transport, etc.) to match Cuba, similar to what the Scandinavian countries had to do because of their proximity to the USSR.
Cuba's biggest current shortages right now are energy and building materials like cement. Both of which are directly caused by the embargo, and worsened by the recent storm.
Keep Cuba down and destitute to prevent the threat of a good example.
Honestly there isn't a legitimate reason.
Tldr "tradition" and insecurity, probably.
There was once a issue with Cuba a long time ago, but that got resolved and the US just decided to keep punishing Cuba as, in my opinion, a warning to other neighbors who would dare oppose it. "help out our opponents and get smothered"
The only reason it's continuing is because of weak administrations thinking that admitting people who ran the country in the past were wrong somehow makes them or the country look weak.
Honestly the only thing that seems weak to me is continuing to kick someone who's been down for decades but still manages to find areas to flourish and be better than the "superpower" that's kicking it.
It's an anti socialist agenda, now.
Cuban exile votes in a critical state
There are enough Cuban refugees that make it a big enough issue that the embargo stays.
It's it a blockade or an embargo? They use both
The thumbnail image for instances that don't show it
Oh look it's that little US lapdog
Fucking Moldova is at it again
Too drunk to vote that day
to be honest if I was the representative of moldova WHICH I'M NOT and it was the 32nd consecutive year in a row that the same shit had happened and nothing had changed then I might also take a day off
That would be counted as "non-voting" (see Ukr, Afg, Ven). Abstain means the rep was there and voted "abstain"
Guess we know who the rogue states are
Only Israel has the US back at the UN. Running diplomatic cover for their genocide finally pays off.
'Just a few more times guys. I am sure we just need to get past 35 times then the US can't ignore us any more'
It's still worth voting to show the basically unanimous agreement. 187–2–1 (with one of the 'Against' being the US itself) is a clear expression of overwhelming disapproval – to an extent that even I, a US citizen who supports lifting the restrictions, didn't know how pervasive and long-lasting it's been until seeing this. It forecloses on any sort of bullshit argument that "that was then, this is now" or that it wasn't like that for some period of time or whatever. And it showcases the complete abdsurdity that no country on Earth except the US itself and what's effectively a US protectorate actually thinks there's any merit to this policy.
For what it's worth, it's actively strengthened my already strong resolve that this policy is insane.
I am more results oriented. Intentions, expressions and thoughts apparently have not had much actual effect on cuba so far and by 32 times, id have expected the UN to maybe try something else
You fail to realize that this is the most meaningful action that the UN General Assembly can take against the US on this matter. The UNGA can be very effective in facilitating international cooperation and settling minor disputes but really has no tools in its arsenal to meaningfully effect action to stop something like this.
I can hopefully demonstrate this by asking you what lever(s) the UN can pull to actually directly address this. Before you say "send aid!", they are. And before you point to something like its past military intervention in Korea, be fully aware that that's not at all applicable here: the US has a permanent seat on the Security Council and therefore absolute veto power; the only reason the UN was able to intervene in Korea was because the USSR didn't use their Security Council veto; and the US is not capable of being directly matched militarily by any nation on Earth, let alone in their home waters. And before you say "sanctions", well I'll give you one guess what organ of the UN controls sanctions.
People seem to think that the UN is a military force that is supposed to go in and secure democracy around the planet...
It's basically a chat room for all the countries to talk for everyone to hear. That's 99% of its job. And it does it quite well.
The problems occur when individual members decide "nah we don't give a shit about the UN right now" and usually it's the big ones that ignore it. Russia, US, UK, etc
Am I allowed to steal the chatroom analogy?
I encourage people to steal non-physical things all day every day.
Sail those high seas!
My point is not that what they are doing is wrong. My point is, that after 32 times, it seems to be useless.
Okay cool but it still does absolutely nothing
Yeah like with how the US sanctions on Zimbabwe were forced to be removed (for the most part, anyway), this will only end by direct action and protests in the US itself.
That is, if the civil unrest in the US due to the sanctions harms profits for the capitalists more than lifting the sanctions on Cuba does, they will choose the latter.
If you stop objecting to a bully’s behaviour you enable it.
How does this voting work? Does this mean the embargo is lifted?
no it does not. it’s basically just a poll to see what other countries think. at least, that’s my understanding based on what i’ve read.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly
- https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1bnissh/eli5_what_happens_if_a_country_doesnt_abide_by_un/
- https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/9/19/unga-resolution-against-palestine-occupation-will-it-change-anything
edit: formmatting. also i should clarify that reddit isn't a particularly reliable source, but i included it because the top comments on that post agree with the other sources linked, and give provide simple answers to the question
It's a non-binding resolution. And even if it wasn't, the UN can't exactly do anything militarily nor by sanctions against the US that controls both those fronts right now.
fuck the USA