I've only ever boiled, sliced, and brined (is that the word?) beetroot. But I would guess you could make a slaw, which you often see in burgers at restaurants (red beetroot, I've never seen gold beetroot before).
Potatoes can be done lots of ways but I like to roast them. I boil for about 5 mins first, strain in a colander, flick them around in the colander to rough up the outside, then pour plenty of flour on and keep tossing them to spread them around. Into a roasting tray with plenty of oil.
If you have it, cover in a healthy dose of roast vegetable sprinkle, otherwise try plenty of salt, garlic powder, anything else you have that seems relevant.
Roast in oven at I dunno like 200c or 220c. Toss at appropriate intervals to stop from burning but allow to brown (Sorry, not too specific. Say 20 mins to start then every 10 mins after?). Keep cooking until nice and crispy but not burnt.
It's probably like 45 mins of roasting but depends on your oven so try not to be tied too closely to a schedule until you have done it a few times.