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[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

You mean the people who work in those companies right?

Well yes, I suppose it is the workers and management who are cutting corners. What's your point?

But if they are cutting corners they are actively trying to kill you.

No, they are trying to save a buck. They might not care about the consequences, or they might think it will all be fine, or something else. They aren't sitting around, rubbing their hands with glee and laughing about how many kiwis they will kill.

So what you are saying is that they people who built this car were actively trying to kill anybody who drove the car.

Again, no.

Let me give you an example. There was a scandal in 2008 where a company manufacturing baby formula was adding chemicals so that lab tests would show it had higher protein count. The chemical led to kidney damage in infants, with over 50,000 being hospitalized.

Do I think that company was trying to kill kids? No. They were trying to make more money, damn the consequences.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago

Do you? Even about Palestinians and Yemeni and Saudi Arabians?

Yes, of course. Why do you keep bringing them up? What do they have to do with Chinese cars? I genuinely don't understand why you are on about this.

Disagree all you want. The fact that NSA has software in all routers and hard drive firmware and sim cards has been widely reported.

No, it is reported they put backdoors in US-made routers. Your claims of "all" are nonsense.

But even if we agree on this fact, I am less concerned about it. Why? Because I can badmouth the US government and have no fear of being detained if I travel there. The same cannot be said about China, as another poster has already pointed out.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (16 children)

He wasn't charged with copyright infringement.

No, you're right, he is charged with criminal copyright infringement, money laundering, racketeering and wire fraud.

But you are worried about the big bad Chinese government coming after you.

More than the US, yes. Why? Because of the reasons I've outline elsewhere: the US, as bad as it is, still has some laws and balances it must navigate. The Chinese government has none, and has actively shown to track and detain both citizens and foreigners.

I have lived and worked in China, so I am absolutely certain there is a file on me somewhere (I had a nice chat with a "totallynota" member of the CCP at my a company over drinks one night when he offered that they keep an eye on every foreigner in the country.

I also refuse to support such a regime.

[–] Rangelus 7 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I'm getting so fucking tired of this government, and we aren't even 100 days in....sigh

[–] Rangelus 3 points 9 months ago (28 children)

The thing isn't health outcomes, it's the significant societal and economic problems happening and on the horizon that is the worry.

[–] Rangelus 8 points 9 months ago

The union is absolutely right. It's bad enough we have to rely on a charity to run our ambulances, but reducing funding further will absolutely cost lives.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago

Fair but while America is far from squeaky clean, I’ve never avoided traveling via one of their airports for fear of something I said about their president on social media. And if they did I wouldn’t, except in extreme cases, disappear from the face of the earth with my family having no idea what happened to me. China does these things routinely. Even to very prominent members of their own society.

This is exactly the point. Both are bad, but one plays by no rules whatsoever, while the other at least pays lip service to them.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)


Companies in China regularly cut corners. I don't think they are actively trying to kill me, I never said that. I said I don't trust that they are made as they say they are. I don't trust that the vehicle I buy is the same as the one that was tested by encap, or was sent to the regulators to ensure it complied.

This is not because I'm racist, or hate Chinese people, or anything. This is from experience, but personal and historical, about the culture of corner cutting, cheating, lying and bribery, that is normalized in China.

To be very clear, I have lived and worked in China. I am not just talking out of my ass.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

I care mostly about myself. Just like you care mostly about yourself. You certainly don’t use the same criteria against any other country.

I have empathy for many people. I care about all lives. I never once said I hold this view exclusively about China. We were talking about Chinese cars, so I said I don't trust them.

USA is much worse, much more pervasive, much more massive.

Disagree. You should spend time in Asia and talk to the people there, follow the news, etc. You might learn something.

China bad, USA is worse.

Ok, so how does that invalidate me not wanting a Chinese car or a Chinese cellphone exactly? Since that's how this started...

Same goes for the USA.

No, this is wrong. The government can do a lot, yes, but it is not a dictatorship.

Nope. It gathers mass information all the time. This conversation is being recorded by the USA because all traffic on the internet is being recorded by them. They didn’t need to ask anybody.

It really isn't, but whatever.

You are more paranoid than me but also racist from the looks of it.

How, exactly, am I racist?

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (18 children)

Apparently you haven’t been keeping up with the news

I have.

That’s because they already have access to the content from the NSA.

They don't, at least not how you are suggesting they do.

LOL it hasn’t.

It has.

If you don’t see how it’s the same thing thing we might as well move on. There are actual genocides happening in Gaza and Yemen but hey since the US is helping with those that’s OK I guess.

When did I say they were ok?

He only broke US laws and his house was raided.

Copywrite infringement is illegal in most countries, including here.

Again though you seem to think this is perfectly fine so there is no need to go on.

When did I say it was? I don't think he should be extradited, but I'm not worried about the Big Bad US Government coming after me.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Well I am neither Taiwanese nor am I traveling through China so....

So you only care about yourself?

I don't think so. The exploits of the NSA have been widely reported. Nowhere close to the USA or even Israel.

Yes, you are. Both of those countries have large intelligence programs, yes. So does the CCP. And, as I mentioned elsewhere, they don't have to even pretend to follow the law. China is a massive surveillance state.

But sure mate, China fine, US big bad scary. Got it.

All US companies are subject to US laws which allow for full and free access to all information from those companies. Aside from that the NSA has code in all the routers, all the sim cards, all the hard drive firmware etc. Again all this has been widely published.

The CCP has no laws it needs to follow. The US government does. It needs reasons to get information on you, and the information it can get is limited. And no, the NSA, doesn't. Some systems allows access, but not "all routers etc". That's conspiracy theory territory I'm afraid.

It sounds like you are not very aware of what's been happening.

I am, I'm just not a paranoid conspiracy nut.

[–] Rangelus 1 points 9 months ago (20 children)

You keep moving the goalpost. CCP is bad, not as bad as the USA, not as bad Saudi Arabia, not as bad as South Korea, not as bad as Israel.

I'm not moving anything. You started using whataboutism to compare China to the US. "The US is worse" and all that. While I disagree with you about this, it doesn't matter. Multiple things can be true at once. China is bad. The US is bad. Israel is bad. These are all, simultaneously, true.

LOL. "pretty corrupt".

Yes, pretty corrupt. They are still a government that follows laws. This is why Trump is currently facing legal problems instead of successfully overthrowing Biden in a coup. Currently, Biden cannot pass certain laws because it still requires both the Senate and the House to pass a new law.

You understand that the CCP is a dictatorship right? Single party with absolute control? These things are not the same.

It kills them with drone strikes. Also tortures them.

Terrorists and enemy combatants, yes. Not political opponents though. Is Biden ordering his political opponents locked up and tortured? No? These things are not the same.


From your link: "By law, NSLs can request only non-content information, for example, transactional records and phone numbers dialed, but never the content of telephone calls or e-mails."

I am not arguing that the US does not do bad things, but that it is not comparable to the CCP. The US still generally tries to follow its own laws. The CCP can and does do whatever it wants.


Lol, this is a book which is widely discredited. The author is a conspiracy theorist, and little if anything of his claims have been verified. I would not use that book as your source of information.

Yes, by helping Israel and Saudi Arabia and Yemen do it.

If you do not see how these are not the same thing then we may as well move on.


So a very high profile person who flagrantly broke the law in multiple jurisdictions has led to the US asking for extradition, which is a thing many countries will do, and is still here. This is your example? Are you a high profile owner of a massive piracy platform? No?

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