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I am sure this will be super effective and will not cost any money at all.


A super security and intelligence agency recommended four years ago and said to be "not too far away" last August, is under "active consideration" by Cabinet.

The number two recommendation of the 2020 Royal Commission of Inquiry into the 2019 mosque attacks was to set up a national intelligence and security agency, or NISA, as a way to cut through the confusion and inaction exhibited between the layers of government agencies prior to the terror attacks.

However, in a new report submitted to the government, FIANZ, far from being impatient, has called for caution.

"Given the complexity and the changing global politics and eco-climate context, there needs to be a serious rethink on the form and function of the proposed but absolutely necessary NISA," it said in the 40-page report.


Add voter suppression to the list of disasters


In Parliament last Wednesday, Te Tai Tokerau MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi said the government "will not waver in its mission to exterminate Māori".

Tad hyperbolic, don't you think?


Wellington City Council have put plans to build a permanent cycleway in Brooklyn on hold after losing over half of its funding. Waka Kotahi was expected to fund 51 percent through the Transport Choices fund, however Transport Minister Simeon Brown confirmed there would be no funding for the project in December.

There was also no mention of the Transport Choices programme or any alternatives in the draft Government Policy Statement in March.

A trial bike lane was installed in 2021 through Waka Kotahi's Innovating Streets programme.

"In the interim Brooklyn Connections continues to function as a successful cycleway," Hodgetts said.


what a disappointment. I really expected better from Jack.


Who is going to listen?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Dave to c/politics

Jamie Arbuckle, the Marlborough councillor who became an MP, says he has settled into having two roles so comfortably he's going to keep both salaries after all.

There's been a lot of video calls from his office in Wellington, but it's meant he's made it to most of the meetings at the Marlborough District Council since being elected to Parliament as an NZ First MP in October.

At the time, he said he felt juggling the two roles would be easy enough until Christmas 2023, and said he would hand his council remuneration back after that, should he feel he could not give the job his all.

But, for now, he said he was keeping up and did not feel that was necessary.


She sounds absolutely unhinged, going into someone's business just to pick a fight with them is straight up bullying behaviour.


International testing indicated New Zealand had more bad readers among its 10-year-olds than other developed nations, but the picture improved for teenagers.

The 2020/21 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) found 29 percent of New Zealand Year 5 pupils failed to meet its intermediate benchmark for reading proficiency, a group which included the 10 percent who did not even meet the lowest benchmark for reading proficiency.

Internationally, 25 percent of participating pupils fell short of the intermediate benchmark and just 6 percent were below the low benchmark.

However, another testing system found older students performed better when compared to their peers around the world.

The 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test found 21 percent of New Zealand 15-year-olds were reading at the lowest level - meaning they struggled with all but the simplest reading tasks measured by the test.

"The proportion of Aotearoa New Zealand students who performed below Level 2 was 21 percent, which was less than the OECD average of 26 percent. The proportion of low achievers in Aotearoa New Zealand was similar to that of Australia and the US - countries that had similar average reading performance," the report said.

It said the percentage of New Zealand students reading at the highest level, level 5, was relatively high.

"In reading, Aotearoa New Zealand had 13 percent of students performing at or above Level 5 compared to the OECD average of 7 percent. The proportion of top performers was similar to that of Australia (12 percent) and the US (14 percent), but this proportion was also better or similar to Estonia (11 percent), Japan (12 percent) and Ireland (10 percent), countries with average scores significantly above Aotearoa New Zealand."


Man, Wellington shop owners must dread seeing a green MP walk in the door at this point.


I guess housing and urban development is not a priority after all.


Lol. Q3 here sets out what he (edit: allegedly) said (anything said in the House is protected by Parliamentary privilege)


You could call it a 'mask off' moment, although VFF have never been keen on masks.


Corrections has spent over $305,000 on slushy syrup and maintaining frozen ice machines in the past six years.

The news comes as proposed job cuts ravage the public service with 3460 jobs set for the chopping block, as part of the cost savings drive.

The slushy machines caused controversy in 2019 when it was revealed Corrections had spent over $1 million of taxpayer money on 193 slushy machines.

The then-National leader Simon Bridges called it "irresponsible and wasteful spending" at the time but then-Corrections minister Kelvin Davis said was about health and safety.

Since then the slushy fund has continued with 160 of the 193 original machines still in use and $305,906 spent on syrup, maintaining them.


Wow, turns out being jerks to kids is really unpopular......better backpedal as fast as possible.


She added: "Perhaps I was a little slow, what I can say is I tried my very best ... and I respect the prime minister's decision."

Having a minister describe themselves as "a little slow" is just an incredible quote.




This government doing it's best to ruin the country and our reputation overseas. Having said that I have witnessed too many acts of corruption to every buy that we were somehow more honest than other countries.


Analysis: Burning less coal to make electricity helped New Zealand achieve its biggest official annual drop in planet-heating gases since records started in 1990.

The same week those figures came out, Resources Minister Shane Jones told Morning Report New Zealand should develop more of its own coal, rather than importing "dirty" coal from Indonesia.

Jones earlier told Parliament that opposition MPs turned a blind eye while New Zealand imported Indonesian coal "every month, to keep the lights on."

While it's true Genesis Energy - owner of the country's only coal-fired station - burns coal to run its Huntly generators, it last year reported that its last shipment of coal had arrived in July 2022.

Government figures show New Zealand was a net exporter of coal every year since records began, except 2021 - a dry year for hydro, coupled with an unexpected shortage on Genesis' gas field.

That was the year Huntly used record amounts of imported Indonesian coal, pushing up the climate impact of the whole country.


Now is time to change Te Papa's Treaty of Waitangi display, the museum's co-leaders say.

It comes after the museum left a defaced version of the Treaty of Waitangi on display over summer to enable "valuable conversations" about te Tiriti o Waitangi


Te Papa said it would consult with te Tiriti experts, iwi and communities for the permanent exhibition


The removed panel will be stored by the museum, and while no decision has been made about its future, Johnston said it was part of the exhibition's history and the story of te Tiriti o Waitangi.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by purrtastic to c/politics

Among the list of organisations that have been invited to apply are organisations associated with projects that would destroy a pristine mountaintop and rip up the seafloor.  

It includes organisations that have lost cases in the Environment, High and Supreme Courts, with proposals roundly rejected through prolonged court action.


both the education and health systems are getting absolutely butchered by this government and this is definitely going to impact you and the people around you.


Who could have seen this coming!

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